Episode 3

Published on:

30th Nov 2023

Alternative Meat - a plebs definition!

In today's episode of "From Meeting to Meating," I'm laying it all out for my fellow basic bitches (yes, including myself) who are still figuring out what the heck alternative meat is. We're breaking it down.

๐ŸŒฑ Types of Alternative Meat:

We're diving into the exciting world of alternative meat and exploring the different types out there. From plant-based to cultivated to fermentation, I'm sharing the basics so you can sound like a pro the next time someone throws around these terms.

๐Ÿฅฉ Cultivated Meat for Dummies:

What even is cultivated meat, you ask? Don't worry; I've got you covered with a straightforward definition that won't make your head spin. It's like growing meat in a lab, but way cooler.

๐ŸŒฟ Plant-Based Meat 101:

We're also chatting about plant-based meat, the OG of alternative proteins. What's it made of? How does it taste? I'll spill the beans (or should I say peas?) on everything you need to know.

๐Ÿงช Fermentation: The Wild Card:

And last but not least, we'll touch on the wild card - fermentation. It's not just for making your kombucha fizzy; turns out, it plays a role in alternative meat too.

So, if you're a pleb like me and want to understand the buzz around alternative meat without drowning in science jargon, hit that play button. We're keeping it simple, fun, and maybe a little bit cheeky.

Don't forget to like, subscribe, and share with your fellow basic bitches who need a crash course in the meaty revolution! ๐Ÿš€๐ŸŽ™๏ธ #AlternativeMeat #CultivatedMeat

Show artwork for From Meeting to Meating

About the Podcast

From Meeting to Meating
Dissecting the Cultivated Meat Space, One Missteak at a Time
Welcome to "From Meeting to Meating"!

Hey, I'm JP Lal, and this podcast is all about the weird and wonderful world of cultivated meat. But here's the deal - I'm a total newbie, and I'm here to make sense of it all, one missteak at a time.


-Stories of my hilarious attempts at understanding this stuff.
-Chats with cool folks in the industry who actually know what they're talking about.
-Some playful poking at the quirks of the cultivated meat world.

Don't worry; this isn't a science lecture. We're here to have fun while learning together.

Find me on social media and join the fun. Hit that subscribe button, and let's get meaty with it!

About your host

Profile picture for JP Lal

JP Lal